Heya , can somebody make me a etnies wallpaper which matches my psp case please?
My case has messy skulls and it and a few scribbles.The one who does it will get all my epigs in my bank
tell me what you think of this one
That's wicked :D!! thanks Alot :D!
What do you think about this? I'm think the font is lame, tell me what you think and I'll change it if you like
That's cool aswell :D I havent got many epigs left so ill give the last of um :D
IMHO This wallpaper are too similar at the case. I can do better! just wait my wallpaper XD
looking forward to it swo :P
Edit: lol heres mine :D
I call it disco :P
Here it is.. it's only a sketch..it may change..it will change!!
Give me suggestions if u have!!!![
That's wicked :P Though it was to make a background which looked like the case :S but that's wicked :D