Endless Paradigm

Full Version: iPod Nano Explodes During Charge
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Quote[Image: imgp7036.jpg]It seems like every month a new gadget goes up in flames. This month it's an iPod nano that was caught exploding while being charged via a PC. The owner says that the force sent his iPod flying to the ground, where it started smoking and sparking until it was unplugged. Unfortunately, the iPod was out of warranty, so the owner wasn't able to get an immediate replacement. I've had my iPod Nano for a long time now and never has it heated up, so wee have to take this one with a grain of salt, but you can never be too wary when charging your gadgets.

- Source: [Gizmodo]
lol whos this guy, maybe it was a failed terrerist attack :P
Lol, Apple's notebook blew up, now their MP3 player.  Maybe their the real terrorists...
Suspicious.... it is...
omg im staying away from the imac...
I stay away from QuickTime as well - who knows, it could also explode...
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