Endless Paradigm

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hey guys i have a quick question about xvid4psp I'm about to install it, i reformatted my hdd and re-installed windows xp cause i had a problem with system sounds and internet sounds, i couldnt find a solution after searching it, so now with a new installation I'm finally about to install that and it says that its bad if it has codec packs installed, all I'm gonna install is xvid codec and divx codec and that's about it what do you guys recommend i install as well for xvid4psp to work as best as possible
I don't understand why it doesn't like codec packs.  I guess there's a whole load of junk ones out there.

For your information, XviD makes DivX useless.

I recommend the K-Lite Codec Pack.  Considering that XviD4PSP does rely on DirectShow (Avisynth) for various things, codecs are required.
so just k-lite codec pack then, and idk that xvid made divx useless... ok then gonna do it thanks :mdr:
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