Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Endless Paradigm IRC: RE-RE-OPENED! (And under new new management!)
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Keep this up... It was kinda sad to see it die earlier.
Method Wrote:How do I change meh username??

I think you figured it out ^^
Me, Method, Jadore and Assassinator are on now, join in peoplez :P
Ok, I got an EP irc chan set up now on my friends private server the details are

Server: irc.undergroundz.org

Channel: #Endless-Paradigm

Hope to see some EPeople join, this irc chan will be handy for the server move on the 15th.

I also started updating the first page of this thread, if Senseito or any other mod wants to help edit thatd be cool.

So come on EPeople, you know you want to irc
feinicks Wrote:Keep this up... It was kinda sad to see it die earlier.

I really liked it, util NIG and that lot start fudgeing around with it, at which point i just gave it up as a bad job...
Server down right now?
I think it is. :-\
Waaaaa! :c
connection was just reset that's all, you can rejoin
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