XMB Emulator ALPHA 1">superskull85 released his new program called the XMB Emulator. The title says it all but in case you still don't get it, this app would let you preview or "emulate" your PSP's XMB in your PC. So if you're still caught up with making your own XMB icons or XMB themes, then you just found your new best friend.
The readme that comes with the download contains everything you need to know to use this program, so you better read up if this app has caught your fancy. Notice the ALPHA in the title? Well, this just means that this released version is not yet complete and for now it only supports the Main XMB and wallpaper. In the future, he hopes to:
Sub-XMB Preview
Sub Sub-XMB Preview
File check/Size check- This will help you make right sized icons so that you can make non-corrupt files and have icons fit in their positions.
Menu Names This will help you further see what your XMB will look like with your names.
Program Main Menu- To help you navigate through the program
Integrated guides and references
Support for XMB click sounds
Support for simple navigation functions
Support for wave animation
A simple file flasher through Flash0/1 USB
Include a RCO compiler
- Source: [QJ ]
cool i hate going to the ms0:/DH/303/F0/VSH/RESOURCE/ directory all the time then trying dh just to test it its tedious, I'll mos def be using this emulator :yes:
Rather overly simplistic IMO. Only does BMPs. Well, all you really need to do is make an app which reads BMPs and displays it at certain positions :S
I might try making a similar app (with RCO support) after I've done more investigation into the page resources.
cool, hey maybe you should incorporate it to ur rcoeditor and there should be a preview xmb thingy :yes:
yeh that will be cool :cool:
Ah very nice, I was working on something like that too, but I quit with the 'project' because it took too many time :P