Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE]Justfonts for 3.90m33
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Justfonts for 3.90m33

[Image: screenshot008nr6.png]

[Image: screenshot010hf4.png]

[Image: screenshot009xp2.png]

has 480 x 272 01-12.bmp + blue wave
compatible with slim and fat.

theme conversion requested by logan
download link:
Nice , might get it when my psp stops being stupid
what happened to your psp?
nwei hope you like it guyz
Sweet!! love this! can't help it,.. maybe i get to make a 01-12.bmp with high res picture's for my theme some day,.

Nice conversion!! a custom styled battery is needed!!

@mp3punk05 >>> PSP Theme overload!! Hihi
My psp allways goes wrong when i flash a theme  Nana-o I either get a brick , a wrong idstorage key or my memory stick decides to break!

So i have to use boring ptf'sSmokingg
mp3punk05 Wrote:My psp allways goes wrong when i flash a theme  Nana-o I either get a brick , a wrong idstorage key or my memory stick decides to break!

So i have to use boring ptf'sSmokingg

welll.. that sucks/... Nana-o


yay justfonts!
How did you do this?? it's possible to do "justfont" only in submenu icons?
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