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Full Version: weirdest PSP game u've come across
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double you tee eff

and Locco Rocco, it's weird but fun.
maybe patapon is a lil more weird atleast the jap version seems weird
Scarface and Japanese Version of Patapon

Can't wait for Patapon's release cause it's pretty good
nicodemus82 Wrote:it was at my local EBgames. they don't usually have japanese games but i guess someone traded this one in or something.. i didn't end up buying it cause they wanted $50 for it and i wasn't gonna pay that much for a second hand game..
yeah, ur right I'm from Wales but that aint me talking in that vid. he's done a few more videos of PSP games like this one of Mind Quiz


i usually watch the anime expo ones he does..

another weird PSP game i played was some kind of strip mahjong..can't remember the name of it

Where's that store? i live not too far from Swansea and I'm intrested in a few japanese games.
i think the store might be a little too far for u....cause I'm living in Canada right now :)
My wierdest are loco rolo or something and croccer :S
Well, I used to think it was Loco Roco...

But now, I think the weirdest PSP game has got to be Patapon...
little britain lol :D
Loco Roco and Patapon are tied for me.....;)


yes definitely loco roco. But it is the funnest game i own and i Inluv it

patapon i got a few days ago and it definitely is wierd as.
pon pon pon pata pon pon pon pata pon pon pon pata pon pon pon
pata pon pon pon pata pon pon pon.......
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