Endless Paradigm

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i was just wondering if downgrading a psp, or more specifically, a slim, will void the warranty in any way
Short Answer: YES
Long Answer: NO, with a but

If you want to give the PSP back the shop will never know that you had custom firmware on it but if you brick it and send it back to sony or whatever they might do something, but don't listen to me cause I've only unbricked with Pandora and never given a PSP back to the shop....
^^ all true.. like he said though if you ever exchange it or trade it in, they may check that.. ive returned them and theyve not checked but ive also had the guy turn it on and check the firmware before so it depends on the person really.... i know they don't like me at the gamestop around the corner cause i went in there with my hacked psp one day and the guy was like 'i can't talk to you' after commenting on how cool my theme was lol.. if you ever have to, do returns at walmart.. most likely they will be stupid about the whole thing and take it back
okay. I'm a little confused though. If he were to send it back to sony, and they found CFW, would they not return it? would they refuse to fix it? or would they just keep it?
they would refuse to fix it and for the priviledge of looking at it they would charge you a 'service charge' and of course double the return shipping rates too. its at this point your cheaper buying a new one from a shop. sony, like all major companies, will not entertain you if you have done the slightest thing to viod the warranty. the problem i have with sony is that the firmware may, or may not, be the cause of the problem. i think sony should consider revising there warranty because they know people will install custom firmware - and they have the ability to remove it anyway. not to mention that if the fault is hardware the custom firmware installed may not even matter.
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