Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [BATTLE] diego vs Sensei Seito
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yeah, but your not in the battle..
roberth Wrote:yeah, but your not in the battle..

told u dupain Try
go HERE if you really want to insult people at random Hihi
ok!! i'mma go there!  goodluck in insulting each other in this battle! XDD!!! happy insulting!
what if you didnt put anything relating to u or team names on there and then it will be a fair vote Specky
yeah submit anonamously
I can't have it done for tonight.... sorry
Sensei Seito Wrote:I can't have it done for tonight.... sorry

Ok, but can you make the voting thread and you make the rules for voting.

I said in the my suggestion here: http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...3#pid90293

If you have trouble no problem, I can make the thread.
good luck diego

*®$нд∂¥©* Wrote:good luck diego


AND!!!! MY ENTRY!!!!

Quote:My Entry.

Spoiler for entry:
[Image: 194647b16ea5d55ba.png]


Can't wait for your entry!

PS: Don't ask why I placed it in a spoiler.
lol @ shady...

what diego put in the spoiler
[Image: 194647b16ea5d55ba.png]


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