Endless Paradigm

Full Version: BATTLE!
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Pages: 1 2
Ok, Dream Arts come here.
I thought, what's the use of teams if wee are not gonna battle.

I will battle ANYONE from Dream Arts.

You pick who you want to battle and YOU pick the theme.


EDIT: rockhead wants to battle aswell.

Pick 2 members.

Wee will have two 1 on 1 battles.
whoo bring it on Specky
Wow..diego wants some blood in his hands!!
Wolf Wrote:Wow..diego wants some blood in his hands!!

lmfao yea wee want blood Specky
Very well.

I shall battle you.

I shall find someone from the team to partner with.
Cool. Me vs Sensei

Rockhead vs ???
I'll get back to you when I have a member who wants to participate.
Ok, just so you know.

I was planning on INDIVIDUAL battles.

one thread for me vs someone and another for rockhead vs someone.
That other someone is me!
Yea I got it, Not too harsh on timing and it must be freestyle.

I chose Pyro as my partner in this Double Battle

Me vs Diego
Jon vs Rockhead
Pages: 1 2
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