Endless Paradigm

Full Version: New Ava/Sig^^
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Well I always liked Kyou from Clannad but after watching episode 17 yesterday she made a rocket jump to #1 at my favorite Anime-Characters list  Hiding_something Adore So this morning when I woke up I decided to make a new Sig/Ava^^

Nothing too special but comments please Gongxi
loookks nice

someones been watching clannad :D

I love it! ^____^
Thanks you two^^
pretty!! nice job.
by the way whee did you get the clanad renders cause planet renders has none
Thanks Chaoticgamer!^^
And for the renders, I rendered Kyou myself from an pic I found.
i think it is to simple
and the text looks also not very good placed

but if you like it ;)
Ah Nebster, somehow I had this feeling I will read you here sooner or later :)

True it's not my best work but I just needed to do something with Kyou^^, thanks for the criticism.

I know I got a bit lazy in terms of Graphics comapared to the "old times" when wee where at you know what forum but meh....^^

Also don't forget who teached you Specky ^^
Nebster Wrote:i think it is to simple
and the text looks also not very good placed

but if you like it ;)

simple can be very appealing... and to Clannad fans this sig is a dream..

.. and if your a Clannad Fan you understand the background of it.... and making this sig much more complex would probably lessen the feeling it was made for.
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