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DM-MetalHell PS3 by [Mojonick]

[Image: MHF3.jpg]


Mojonick Wrote:Well here it is....My second map. Yes, i know it's another space map but i really wanted to do one....so without further adue.....I bring you Metal Hell!

I hope you all really enjoy this map. It's really a great gameplay map. IMHO. After you play it for a bit, lemme know what you think. :)

DM-Tiberium [FINAL] PS3 by [Remus]

[Image: my.php?image=screenshot4wa5.jpg]


Remus Wrote:Name: DM - Tiberium
Compatibility: UT3
Description: Large DM Map set in the ruines of a tiberium infested city. Environment inspired from the Command and Conquer series.
Music: What Lurks - Frak Clepacki (C&C:Tiberium Sun OST)
Players: 10 - 16

WAR-ArcticStronghold [Final][PS3] by [Bret Hart]

[Image: ArticStronghold2.jpg]


Bret Hart Wrote:The final version of WAR-ArcticStronghold is now ready!

Changes from the beta include:

- Alternade west / east node setups with the center node being a standalone capture node.
- Fury in center node now replaced with darkwalker.
- East node has two defense stinger turrets, west has one.
- Fixed a few areas where players could get wedged between rocks and terrain.
- Red core explosion sequence fixed.
- Core team switching now enabled at the end of a round.

Please overwrite the old map to replace it with the new.

Thanks to those who helped me test this map.
And a huge thanks to LegalAssassin for helping me with the mini-map image.

WAR-SnakeBite PS3 by [BigDog]

[Image: snake2.jpg]


BigDog Wrote:Name: WAR-SnakeBite
Version: Final
Compatibility: UT3 (PC/PS3)
Gametype: Warfare
Description: "Remake" of ONS-Frostbite from Unreal Tournament 2004. Think of Frostbite a few thousand years before it froze over. It's set in a wet "jungle" environment, shortly after a passing thunderstorm which still hangs on the horizon.


*Included ini file provides 2 different link setups and 2 different versions (Axon and Necris)

*Thanks to Epic Games for creating the original, Flybye for help with the lightning effect on this map, Xyx for his work on extra node link setups on other maps, everyone at ZeroFrag who provided input (MeepZero, Trepanima, Sanch3z, DeadSoul, etc.), and especially the Sunday night Warfare PUG crew for their testing on this map.

I have no idea if the PS3 version works as I have no way of testing it. If someone out there could give it a try and let me know, then I'd consider cooking a couple more upcoming warfare maps that I'm working on for the PS3 as well.

NOTE it works well on ps3 I use it all the time :)

DM-FragPipe2k8 PS3 by [apophis3d]

[Image: f3.jpg]


apophis3d Wrote:This is the Final Release of FragPipe 2k8 PS3/PC (Quake II Remake)

Support: http://www.apophis3d.net

The PS3 Cook threw me some odd error:
Warning, Cooking simple sound failed: DM-FragPipe_b1.Sonic
Reason: SCE_PS3_ROOT envvar is not set! Run the PS3\InstallSDK script to install the SDK.

Ran the SDK installed not sure what its talking about. Let me know if the music does not play PS3 guys. And please any other errors you get let me know ASAP.

Release Changes

-Added some more deco meshes
-Enhanced Bot Support
-Scripts 100% working. Player can no longer keep pressing the button of the fragpipe to keep the door closed.

Install Instructions PC:

DM-FragPipe_2k8_Alpha2 config file = Maps folder
DM-FragPipe_2k8_Alpha2.ut3 = Maps folder
DM-FragPipe_2k8_Alpha2_LOC_int.upk = Maps folder
Orbital Deconstruction v1.1 PS3 by [Lord_PorkSword]

[Image: LevelScreen.jpg]


Lord_PorkSword Wrote:"The Liandri foothold in sector 38 has been lost. Unable to keep the Krall infestation at bay, the Liandri have fled the system retreating to a neighbouring star sector. With their forward defence post decimated and stripped by the advancing Krall hive, the last evidence of their occupation is a sole crumbling orbital defence platform stranded amongst the local debris cloud. Scavengers now fight over the remaining technology despite constant bombardment from the local asteroid population which is slowly rendering the last evidence of the Liandri occupation to all but a memory..."

A mix of normal and low grav with some big booms thrown in for flavour!
Map has full bot support and is setup for DM and TDM. I have also included Duel in the event anyone wanted it.

I recommend a dual core processor for this level as it can get a bit chunky on single cores!

Screenies in this thread;


Version 1.1 info;

    * Reset sunlight to original settings. This version is much brighter.
    * moderate changes to the botpathing to 'persuade' bots to use the indoor areas more.
    * tweaking/optimization of some actors to improve framerate on slower machines
    * Custom musik removed until I can figure out why the music stops after playing both traks. SpaceDnB arrangement now used for musik!
    * trap near mega health modified so you can't get stuck anymore from above

NOTE: Expect black textures if world detail is set to 1! This setting kills the sunlight. I can resolve this by adding 'backup ambient lights' however it decreases the framerate so I have decided not to do this as a decrease in framerate is the last thing I want. My appologies and condolences to anybody who is using a machine that requires this setting.

Enjoy and happy fraggin!!

CTF-(Vp)Fragwhore[Final] PS3 by [FrontAXL]

[Image: FW1.jpg]


FrontAXL Wrote:Name:


PC UT3 Patch 1.1
PS3 (need someone to verify it works)

Very small 'arena style map' intended for fast paced 1v1 or 2v2 games. Originally made with LowGrav InstaGib in mind, but includes a wide assortment of weapons(way more then necessary for the size). The name says it all!

Having not mapped for about 3 years, I chose to acquaint myself with the new editor and new features by starting with a small project. At the risk of being flamed for making a 'sPa/\/\-in-the-box' map, I've decided to to share the final product of my learning experience for those that might enjoy it.

This is the third renditon of this map for as many versions of UT(UT2k3 doesn't count imo...lol). I originally made this map for UT99, then remade it for UT2k4. Both times it was intended mainly to be a stepping stone in the learning process with the respective editors. This version is no different. Nothing revolutionary by any means.

|-Vp-|Wolverine for pushing me to map again, |-Vp-|Slider for the billboard textures, F.E.A.R. for the majority of the graffiti textures, all of |-Vp-| and the random players in our server for testing/feedback.

Additional Notes:
I need a PS3 user to verify this map works properly since I do not own a PS3 myself.

You must have a world detail setting of at least 3 and have decals enabled to see the graffiti.

Since Epic removed 'dodge ramps' from the game I decided to try a workaround for it. Try dodging off the angled sides of the pillars and let me know what you think.

Comments/feedback/constructive criticism welcomed.

Flaming posts will be ignored in the order they are received.

CTF-TwistedFACE-ULTRA  PS3 by [NeoGzus]

[Image: ScreenShot00026.jpg]


NeoGzus Wrote:FINALLY I've finished this bad boy! with a kick in the donkey from Nighteye (thanks for your support homie!)
Fixed as many bugs as I could with the help of a few testers and user feedback. This IS the FINAL version. U guys can thank nighteye for getting me to work on it more. He help with some of the littlest details.
I got a night and day cycle goin on with the rotation of the planets(yes, this time EVERYTHING spins) Lots of little tweaks, but there's still the spacewalk if you go out of bounds in some places.

I knocked it down from 800k polys to 540k polys, the frame rate is great for such a busy scene.
Author: Gary "NeoGzus" Malmgren
game type: Capture the flag
Desc: A aesthetically updated version of the classic UT map FACING WORLDS, plus some new features(back door, night-day cycle, hiding spots in the bases)
Version: FINAL.
Compatability: PS3 AND PC.
Credits: NeoGzus= main mapper, Nighteye=QA tester and detailer, RellikMdk=PS3 beta tester and CEDRIC "INOXX" for inspiration from the Classic UT map FACING WORLDS. Thanks u guys

Hope you enjoy playing it as much as I did creating it
DM-Pure [Final (Revised)][Download PS3] by [Brits__Hit]

[Image: pure2-1.jpg]


Brits__Hit Wrote:Map name: DM-Pure
Version: FINAL + Revision
Author: Brits_Hit
Description: In light of the HOLP (Hardcore Oldskool Low Poly) map pack being released, I decided to try my hand at a UT3 map in the same vein. When I first started it was more of an effort to re-familiarize myself with Unreal ED, since I haven't used the new editor.
Once I started making the map though, I came up with a pretty cool idea for the layout and after playing I found it was a helluva lot of fun.

EDIT(02/03): *Revision changes*

-Bots are fully supported and use every area of the map.
-changed the music
-swapped the keg-o-health for a U-damage
-cooked the map properly for both PC and PS3

Feedback would be appreciated.

Thanks for downloading, and enjoy.
DM-Downpour PS3 by [Setheran]

[Image: downpour5.jpg]


Setheran Wrote:Name: DM-Downpour
Version: Final
Description: Medium-sized city-themed map where players fight in alleyways at ground level, across open rooftops and through cramped interiors. Features all weapons and most powerups/armours, all of which the bots will grab if you don't beat them to it.
Players: 4-8

This has undergone some major changes since the beta, the biggest being that the bottom level is no longer ten metres underwater. Some people didn't mind the swimming, but most found it frustrating - so now instead the only swimmable water is in two small pools either side of the map, which are basically landing zones for when you want to avoid fall damage.

Everything's been tested and tweaked as much as I can tolerate, so instead of doing another beta release I'm calling this finished. That said, I'm still open to any constructive criticism anyone might have, as it's always useful for future maps.

Notable changes for full version:
* Raised ground by 3-5 metres and made water about a foot deep, opening up the bottom level for gameplay.
* You can now enter the building with the shield belt at the ground level, allowing you to climb some stairs and jump through some windows to reach the roof.
* You can also enter the high-tech building at the ground level, where a teleporter will deposit you opposite the lift.
* Added a small shop-like building to create more narrow alleyways and also provide an extra stepping stone to the ground level.
* Extended the high-tech building and added walls and fences to some rooftops to provide cover and reduce hitscan dominance.
* Rearranged a lot of stuff to reflect the layout changes and generally improved the looks of things.

I hope everyone finds this more enjoyable than the beta version.

DM-Campgrounds2K8 PS3 by [Spank$hot_BT]

[Image: campgrounds01ak3.jpg]


Spank$hot_BT Wrote:Name: DM-Campgrounds2K8
Version: Final
Compatibility: UT3 - PC and PS3
Description: A remake and relocation of the classic campgrounds map.
Comments: This map has a unique look to previous versions of campgrounds . So judge it on its own visual merits please.

Credits: Me, EPIC & ID
Thanks (epic boards): AnubanUT2, Mr.Uglypants, ozztehbozz, unbecoming, theseka, Chief-Justice & InSi
Thanks (titan boards): Michael, djsilt, piglet & [FnG]pyxie.T32
for all the input they gave that helped shape this map.

CTF-DefensePlatform [2-8 player] PS3 by [DoomAng3l]

[Image: defenseplatform-2.jpg]


DoomAng3l Wrote:Name: CTF-DefensePlatform
Version: 1.0
Compatibility: UT3 1.1
Description: 2-8 Player CTF Map. !Warning-This map is fast paced and close quaters - not for those who like running with the flag for 5 minutes! Also, while bot pathing and support has been added, this map is not intended for bot play

Credits: Created by DoomAng3l, Play testing by Neek and Nemesis D
DM-Amphitryon PS3 by [Jodago]

[Image: AmphitryonCenter-1.jpg]


Jodago Wrote:Name: DM-Amphitryon
Version: Final
Compatibility: UT3 (PC and PS3)
Description: "The small cargo ship Amphitryon, newly requisitioned by Liandri, usually just transports machinery and vehicle replacement parts in peace, but in the cold eternity of space, anything is possible..."
Comments: A small 2-4 player DM map taking place on a spaceship. Weapons included are the link gun, bio rifle, shock rifle, and flak cannon, and armor includes the helmet, shield belt, and vest.
This was my first map, so I wanted to focus on getting the basics down and making certain I understood all of the core concepts. I fixed some lighting and textures after input from beta. My friends and I have a blast on this map, and I'm hoping you do as well.

Credits: EPIC for such an awesome game! Also, AnubanUT2 for being such a great help and getting it cooked for the PS3 - console players have him to thank.

DM-DoomRuin PS3 by [DoomAng3l]

[Image: dm-doomruin-4.jpg]


DoomAng3l Wrote:Name: DM-DoomRuin
Version: 1.0
Compatibility: UT3 1.1
Description: A 4 player DM/TDM map.

Credits: Created by DoomAng3l, Play testing by Neek and Nemesis D.
Homepage: http://www.theblacksun.org

DM-TheConveyor [PS3] by [Bret Hart]

[Image: Conveyor3.jpg]


Bret Hart Wrote:With the help of AnubanUT2, PS3 users now have DM-TheConveyor.

Quick reminder screenshots:
DM-BotDepot [Final] [Pics] PS3 by [DoomAng3l]

[Image: screenshot00031.jpg]


DoomAng3l Wrote:Name: DM-BotDepot
Version: 1.0
Compatibility: UT3 1.1
Description: A 6 player DM/TDM map.
Credits: Created by DoomAng3l, Play testing by Neek and Nemesis D.

DM-Area52 (Perfect Dark Remake) FINAL PS3 by [ShadeMistress]

[Image: ScreenShot00026.jpg]


ShadeMistress Wrote:Well, I have finally finished prettying up the rest of this map as far as I am going to. I think if I add much more in the way of static meshes, things will just begin looking cluttered.

That said, I am pretty happy with the final result here. I did leave the "Lab Room" with the windows pretty empty for a reason. The reason: because I wanted to give this map a long-forgotten look to it. Since the hay day of Perfect Dark, this facility has fallen into disuse and the small village nearby has since become a thriving metropolis. This does not mean that civilians know of it's existence or the role it played so many years ago, it is now commonly used to store materials for other outposts.

Just showing off the breakable glass again. I added the chainlink to show that they are blocked (Not shown in the screen unfortunately). This is the empty "lab room" I mentioned earlier. Wee'll assume that anything that was in here was important enough to take with them when the post was closed down.

DM-Skydeck[FINAL] Download PS3 by [/CPH\]

[Image: screenshot000002.php]


/CPH\ Wrote:DM-Skydeck.ut3 info

General Info:

Title: DM-Skydeck.ut3
Author: /CPH\
Version: Final
Credits: /CPH\, Imageshack, Epic Games, BuffyTheSlayer (for providing really awesome extra screenshots), AnubanUT2 (for cooking the map for the PS3).

Me and my friends had a blast playing this, so hopefully you should too. By the way I would recommend playing this in Elimination mode (needs a mod though). Oh, and if you have time please give me feedback!!

Play Info:
Single Player :Bots
Music: Yes
Sounds: Yes
Static Meshes and Models: Yes
Known Bugs: None :]

Description: A former tourist attraction converted into a tournament arena by the Liandri.

Recommended Players: 2-16
Editor Used: UnrealED
Next updated release: (No more, other then the occasional tweak)

Authors Notes:

This is my second mod for UT3 and fps in general (my first was a basic one to get used to UnrealED). Constructive critism or praise would be happily accepted.

Unzip DM-Skydeck.Zip
Move all files (except readme) into \My Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\UTGame\Published\CookedPC\CustomMaps
If the CustomMaps directory aint there then manually create it.
Select level in Ut3 under instant action or multiplayer.

P.S If you find any bugs (though there shouldnt be any) please inform me so that i can fix them.
DM-Xiao [final] PS3 by [ZixXer]

[Image: screenshot00001tl6.png]


ZixXer Wrote:Hi

Name: DM-Xiao

Version: Final version (PC) (please don't find bugs )

Compatibility: UT3 normal and Patch 1.1

Description: This is a ancient temple map. the perfect spot for a super blast ficht.

This map is made for 2 - 5 players.

It got one hidden powerup and one hidden 100 health.

There is also a trap below the redeemer, and it can be activated by shooting on a trigger that u need to find.

Comments: The map is perfect on layout, and real nice for the eye's, also FPS is verry good on this map with fast load times

Special Thanks: AnubanUT2, for cooking this map for PS3

Don't look at pic and say what u think.
Download the map and then tell me what u realy think of the map.

DM-LiftKill [FINAL] PS3 by [Rehevkor]

[Image: dm-liftkill_final_3.png]


Rehevkor Wrote:Name: DM-LiftKill
Version: 1.0
Compatibility: UT3 (PC and PS3)
Players: 6 to 8 recommended


The map is set inside a huge freight elevator shaft. One of the things I tend to dislike about Onslaught/Warfare maps and any large, outdoor map is that, in spite of presenting large open areas and long sight lines for combat, they tend to be very two-dimensional, with Z-axis play only in specific areas, usually structures.

With this map, I wanted to present that sense of open space and unrestricted visibility, but contain the action in a relatively small space and take greater advantage of vertical movement. I encouraged this by spreading the "stalled" lifts around in space so that they act as ledges and steps to carry the player around the map. This is augmented by a number of jump pads and lifts, which have been set up with lift-jumping in mind.

The uDamage at the top is accessible from the sniper rifle ledge, assuming you don't miss the jump. However, the small lift on the large platform is ideal for lift-jumping to the uDamage quickly. The larger platform lifts connecting the bottom platform to the top one are good for lift-jumping almost anywhere in the map, and are the only means to access the Redeemer (unless you're handy with rocket/hammer jumps).


This is my fifth Unreal engine map, and I had a blast making it. I hope you enjoy it as well. All feedback is welcome, so please reply and let me know what you think. I think I'll take a stab at CTF next. By the way, if anyone is interested in adding this to their server's map rotation, please reply with the name and IP of your server so I can come by and say hello.

Update: The map is now available in three PS3 flavors as well.

CTF-Sprint Full release-PS3 by [Mojonick]

[Image: Map-Pic-CTF-Sprint.jpg]


Mojonick Wrote:Just a throw together CTF map that was requested. Made for 1vs1 insta CTF mainly but has a regular weapon mode. It does support 16 players but.....lol.


DM-Cyclopean Final PS3 by [Me|eE]

[Image: head.jpg]


Me|eE Wrote:MapName=DM-Cyclopean -beta tested as Isle of Colossus.
NumPlayers=10 to 32 players
Author:|HT| the_MeleE & Miss_Taken
Description=A large Roman themed based map with vehicles(Scorpions) centered around a coliseum.

This is our second UT series map. Wee are pretty proud of it and worked a lot of hours. Wee hope you all enjoy!!!

Thanks to EPIC, EPICgames forums for every1s help and AnubanUT2 for support, testing and cooking our map for PS3. Also thank you to every1 for all the great tutorials.

Please visit UT3IMPACT.com

CTF-ThornsV4 Classic [Final]  PS3 by [WoLvErInE]

[Image: thornsv4redbase.jpg]


WoLvErInE Wrote:Name:


UT3 Patch 1.1

Remake of the ut99 and my 2k4 version with a bit more detailed look for ut3. set with full botpathing and weapons.keep in mind this is for LGI gametype, but still plays good with weapons, bots are vicious...thank you and Enjoy!
CTF-Hexakaidecagon PS3 by [ekyman]

[Image: hex01sz9.jpg]


ekyman Wrote:Just whipped this up real quick today. Thought I'de try my hand at an arena style map. PC users have the priviledge of using the editor and subtracting a cube and then playing it over and over again on all sorts of wierd and wonderful servers. Sadly PS3 users can only do that if its been cooked for them.

So, here is a basic Arena style map for the PS3 (of course there is a PC version too). Hope you enjoy it, its all kinds of sPa/\/\ crazyness going on in there.

Name: CTF-Hexakaidecagon
Version: Final
Compatibility: UT3 - PC and PS3
Description: A small Arena style map.
Comments: In the centre of the map is a double damage, as well as armour, protected by the pillars.

CTF-Stargate Final 1.1 [UPDATED] PS3 by [Fibbes]

[Image: lillzcyjwn.thumb500.jpg]


Fibbes Wrote:1. Name: CTF-Stargate
2. Version: Final 1.1
3. Compatibility: UT3 PS3/PC, 1.1 patch
4. Description: Fast pace open LOS Space map with 2 stargate like teleports linking the bases. The teleports are setup to not allow flag travel.
5. Comments: My 2nd try at map making , think i did ok.
6. Screenshot:
7. Credits: Myself, Epic , and Zoo for helping me get the teleport drop flag to work. Jo for helping me test it.

DM-StreetChamber 1.0 PS3 by [GoodAndy]

[Image: attachment.php?attachmentid=32]


GoodAndy Wrote:Title: Street Chamber
Version: 1.0
Gametype(s): Deathmatch, Duel, Team Deathmatch
Recommended Players: 2-10
Theme(s): A strange street section with six concrete blocks in the middle. A bunch of bright green lights, purple spot lights, and down a hole you'll find red lights. There is a little bit of foliage in a few places, but not so much to make it look crazy.
Weapon(s): Flak Cannon, Shock Rifle, and Rocket Launcher
Vehicle(s): None
Bot Support: They seem to work just fine.
Cooking: Both PS3 and PC.

This is my very first map so please don't be so harsh on me. I've been really wanting to make UT maps since UT2003 and now I've finally got a computer good enough to make maps. But still, building light usually takes 2-10 minutes even on some not so complex stuff. Here lately it's been going faster though and I don't know why.

I mainly wanted to make a map that was fun to play before I wanted to make a good looking map. Tell me what you guys think.

With it being finished there are a few things changed. A few extra lights have been added so you didn't feel like an idiot in pitch black. Bots are a lot smarter than they were. They now leap and jump around the map more fluidly instead of walking around to the ramps just to get to the lowest level. Some of the player starts have been tweaked (and quite frankly I might need to tweak some more). But I think that's it.

Something I mentioned before during my testing posts:
I tried to go with a good floor plan. I thought of the fact that I want to keep the players moving. I think I figured it out, there are no weapons on the lowest section, just ammo, health, and the udamage. The second level there is 1 shock rifle, 1 flak cannon, 2 shock cores. On what I call the second and a half level, there is of course the armor (which I might change to the berserker or shield belt, but I really like how it is now). And lastly, the top area has two spawn points for rocket launchers. This forces users who start on the lower floor to quickly move up for weapons, and those who start up top want to get to the udamage, or some ammo. The middle area start points...I usually go after the rocket launcher after quickly picking up a shock rifle or flak cannon. I made sure to make the udamage the hardest place to quickly get in and out so they have to earn it. The "they have to earn it" motto is what I tried to go by for a lot of things. I used it for the rocket launcher and the armor.

Things I haven't done but I might do in the future:

    * Add screen shots to the map files so you see a preview in game.
    * Add better reverb and sounds.
CTF-1on1TrainingDay][ Release Version: 1.0  by [Ignotium]

[Image: dwfbldkqij.jpg]


Ignotium Wrote:1 on 1 Capture the Flag map for Unreal Tournament 3
Based on the DM-TrainingDay from Unreal Tournament 2004

General Info

Title: CTF-1on1TrainingDay][
Filename: CTF-1on1TrainingDay][.zip
Recommended Player Count: 2 Players
Recommended Gameplay Types: Capture the Flag
Version 1.0 Release Date: January 13. 2008

Me (Samuel Mendez) (aka Ignotium @Epic Boards) (aka StraTooS @Beyond Unreal Boards)

EPIC Games and the guy who made the first one

D4rkW4rr10r for the PS3 cookage

DM-CG-Harbor [Final] by [LevelArtist.com]

[Image: CG-Harbor_03.jpg]


LevelArtist.com Wrote:Name: DM-CG-Harbor
PC and PS3
Players: 2 -18
Description: set in a harbor with large cargo ships, with a heavy and powerfull load in them.
This map was inspired by one of the greates map I have ever played; camp gibraltar BattleField 2142.

check out my site for maps created for Gears Of War.

next maps are going to come in a map pack, me and Opiumunknown are working on them right now.

Thanks AnubanUT2 for cooking my map for the PS3.
DM-Crystalline  PS3 by [Enavw103]

[Image: screen1hk0.png]


Enavw103 Wrote:Hi guys, This is my first map ever and first time using the editor. Have only just started playing UT3 so im not too familiar with the layout of maps. There are still a few small issues here and there need to add a few more blocking volumes etc, still learning about bots so they are not the smartest, and the lighting needs work here and there.

Any feedback is appreciated, be gentle its my first map

CTF-Prison PS3 by [NightClucker]

[Image: ajmjgtnnxt.jpg]


NightClucker Wrote:========UPDATED 02/10/08=============
Please download new version both PC and PS3

Name: CTF-Prison
Version: BETA3

A CTF in a prison. Good for 4 - 12 players. This will most likely be the last beta before Final release. Please download and try and let me know of any problems. I want to get the Final Release out either late tommorow or Monday at some time. I have also created a North American PS3 version as well.

Comments: Constructive Critism is welcomed
-Has bot pathing
-Has Lighting
-Has post processing
-Has fog volume
-Has music and sounds
-Bots have minor issues with teleporters
-Has an Invisibility pickup for those who likes to be sneaky.
Reference URL's