11/02/2008, 01:55 AM
Pages: 1 2
20/03/2008, 01:56 AM
To update a theme i can also copy paste all offsets,.. i guess!? fontcolors380 >> fontcolors390
font color start 3.71 and end offsets and font color start 3.90 and end offsets !?
Wish Ac_K updated his XMB editor,. :(
font color start 3.71 and end offsets and font color start 3.90 and end offsets !?
Wish Ac_K updated his XMB editor,. :(
20/03/2008, 10:11 AM
There are more colors for the slim for the font and the infobar. Follow the same R< G< B pattern for each selected color after the listed offset (i don't remember if font is first or second, but the slim colors end for the first when the other 01-12 colors start. so the first offset after December would be the first slim color (aka 13 in the 13-28.bmp) etc....
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