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Full Version: [HELP!] Question for ORGAN and the rest of you! :/
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Ok, I mention ORGAN's name specifically b/c he was the one who figured out how to format a memory card for use with Despertar_del_cemetario using VISTA. Here's the deal - I have a pandora battery ready to go, but I need the files from Despertar b/c I'm starting with nothing. So here is my question:

How do I format my memory card using Vista, for use with Despertar?

Thank you so very much for any help, ppl!!! :D
Isn't The Same With Windows XP By Using The Command Propmt ? :D
I'm sorry I did not use Vista to format the mem stick. :/ I hade to walk to a neighbors house that uses XP..

Your best bet is ti go to a friends house, library , or something along those lines..
Nope. :( I already tried with my OTHER PSP slim that SchmilK is fixing. It never works. :(
USe Hellcats 3.xx installer, it can generate pandora and the ipl, reformat the stick, repartition it, and install the ipl to the stick

Its an ace program
Damn, I thought someone said you figured it out. :( Ok, thanks anyway.

EDIT: @ roberth: That won't run on a STOCK 3.60 psp as far as I know, so I can't at this point.
there is a way to do it though, i think its somewhere on QJ perhaps??


Your still better using hellcats app imo
how come you can't format you memorystick
squee666 Wrote:how come you can't format you memorystick

MSformat.exe is one of the many exe's that is not supported on the vista OS
try renaming it to rundl32.exe

or try using a boot disc or usb xp
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