Endless Paradigm

Full Version: common_gui.prx on 3.90 M33
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Hey all,

I've got the common_gui.prx to fade in and fade out on 3.90 M33 but I need to know the offset for when it scrolls in from the right as I want to disable that. Anybody know it?

Thanks in advance

Take good look in there http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthr...?tid=1686, you will find the offset for scroll in in the bottom, what i don't know is how is the common gui on 3.90 , the offset is for 3.80 ....
Thanks gsmoke, it worked like a charm. :D
I have another question, how do I get the stretch of the infobar in the menu and game submenu the same? If I stretch it in the menu, the one in the game submenu gets stretched even more.

Thanks in advance

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