Endless Paradigm

Full Version: WipEout Pulse Mirage Pack now available in UK PlayStation store
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^^ that hot shots game was wasn't it?
What hot shots game?

Hot shots golf was a umd, the fourth game I ever bought for the PSP.
im pretty sure it was hot shots two.. to get the keys file to make our own pops games
indeed...but that was done to legally allow our own games, this would be equivalent to theft
not the point.. it was till done is all im saying.
and downloading isos could also be considered theft... which 99% of people with CFW do even just to try the game before you buy it..  who wants tp pay $7 for one more ship and two tracks after already buying the game? as soon as its in the store here im will buy it.. which i think is soon actually
true, but theft is not directly encouraged, and hacking the encrytion of DC would mean directly encouraging theft
cfw's argument has been allowing people to play their own legit backed up games
but hacking something from playstation store would crush that defence
so i don think its gonna happen cause da isn't gonna do it n no one else seems to be willing or capable of doing it

http://neoseeker.com/forums/36467/t10704...downloads/ the thread conts here... you don't have to reg to post though

Aslo packs 2 and 3 are out
i know the seriousness of hacking the protection for the liscense for psn games so i doubt DAX will risk his life for it.
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