Endless Paradigm

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Well, to start I'm going to say that I started watching The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya a while back. I adore the show. Inluv XD

But the thing is that I *whispers* watched the episodes in chronological order. Since no body warned me I feel like the only jackass who did this..
I relized this on episode 9 when I apparently watched the ending prematurely, and by the time I knew.. it it was too late.. Nana-o

So I need to ask whether you think I should watch them in original relative order from watch I've already watched (this means the remaining episodes I didn't watch are going to be watched the way Haruhi intended),  or continue with the order I've been going (this means I go 10, 11, 12, 13, 14.)

I don't want to know the ending of the episode 14 but if you can tell me it would suck to go in order or not that would be great...

So basically is the ending of the order I might choose to go in (10, 13, 14, 12, 11) better than the ending of episode 14 (which I've heard SUCKS.)
Just go watch it in the order you're watching now. It won't make sense if you re-arrange the order of episodes.
I watched it Chronologically and am a massive Haruhi fan.....

..... its not like her Brigade Members came to my house and whipped me until I ran out of tears.........................................................................
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