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heya , my psp just hates my ms lol.  It's sometimes not finding my memory stick so i had put key cleaner onto it. But before i get it working the memory stick pulls it self out and i can't clean it. What can i do please?:o

I havnt downgraded lately only flashed some themes.
If this helps i had downloaded a ptf onto my psp and it said it was corrupt.Anyway i had deleted it and my problem still goes on
a corrupt ptf should not mess up your keys...  i assume your talking about ID storage keys which should only be broken if you used one of the early downgraders (which i also have a psp with broken keys.. well 1 broken key.. the hostfs one).... anyway you can fix all but the one by runing chilly willys key cleaner.. if you want a full key restoration youll need to have a backup of the keys from YOUR psp... each machine is differnt so using someone elses keys may work or may brick your psp or give you mixed results so don't use someone elses... basically all you can do is like i said.. run key cleaner and fix all but the one and it should be fine... if you don't know what HostFS is then you don't need it so don't worry about it being broken..
I hadnt been using a downgrader lately. Though i can't get keycleaner to work because my memory stick stops reading when im starting the key cleaner.
Borrows One Of Your Friends Mem Sticks For A Day :D Then Install Run And See If It Solves Your Problem :D
mp3punk05 Wrote:I hadnt been using a downgrader lately. Though i can't get keycleaner to work because my memory stick stops reading when im starting the key cleaner.

even if youdo it once and they break they stay broken untill fixed... changing firmware and stuff like that has no effect on ID keys
Not long ago , i didnt know i had corrupt keys and i upgraded to 3.90m33 and it cleaned the keys on its self :D Anyway iv formatted my memory stick and ill see if it works better.

I will be getting a new memstick soon 4 or 8 gig and ill see if that works better
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