Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Removing XMB Icons
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Thanks for a great site, I have been looking at it for a while as a guest and it seems one of the few friendly psp theme sites.

I would like to remove the following icons on the xmb (I'm on 3.90 M33).

Location Free Player
Online Manual
Internet Radio
RSS Settings

Using Custom XMB Editor doesn't seem to be compatible with 3.90 yet. Can you give me some hints in what to use and how to do it ?

As you can see from the theme i use the new icons look out of place (and pointless as i don't use them)

[Image: screenshot002.jpg]

I will post my vshmain.prx once I have done it as I'm sure that other people would like to remove icons that they don't use. Or at least now how to remove the ones they need to (It comes in useful with themes no longer updated as new icons look out of place).

Hope someone can help, thanks.
delete the images from the decrypted RCO's ? ...
im just guessing HihiHahaha
u can try this vshmain.prx

Try Looking Here It Might Help :D http://www.psp-hacks.com/forums/about61385.html Or In My Opinoin I Wouldnt Upgrade To The Latest Firmware Just Stay At 3.71 M33 As It's Kind Of Pointless Sense You Don't Have A Slim :D
Thanks for you help matchung and MaTaMoSkA. I will try the file and have a look at psphacks.


Wow thanks for the file matchung its almost perfect !

Two things though it removes the Internet icon instead of the Internet Radio and the Go! icon is still there.

[Image: screenshot003.jpg]

Thanks a lot for your work.
sorry, try this ;(
Thanks for the new file !

Can you remove the RSS, Location free and Online instructions are back again in the new file ?
@ mathung: can u describe in some steps how you remove these icons? maybe you could show me how you hex it to show slim-icons on fat, too? (like skype)
[Image: offsetey5.jpg]

first: icon #
second: model related? 07 will show to all
third: region code. FFFF FFFF will show to all
forth: XMB main icon location, 0=settting, 1= photo ,4=video, 5=game, 6=network... how about 2.3?!
brcu Wrote:Thanks for the new file !

Can you remove the RSS, Location free and Online instructions are back again in the new file ?

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