Endless Paradigm

Full Version: ~~ EP Anime Openings & Endings!! ~~
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Hello EP Anime Fans!

This is the Root Thread for the Threads that contain Rips by the Endless Paradigm OPs & EDs Team that consists of:

Sensei Seito (Leader)
Azumi (Leader)

Sensei Seito & Azumi, the Leaders, will make sure any "Official EP Rips" are of quality as they have been Tagged as.

Check out these Threads for Official EP Anime OPs & EDs Rips!

EP Anime OPs & EDs [O&K/D/DL]
2008 Anime OPs & EDs [K/Y/F]

O = Original - As it was Ripped from its Source
D = DVDRip - Ripped from Anime DVD Source
K = Karaoke - English Translation & Japanese Sing-along
Y = YouTube - Streaming, High YouTube Quality
F = Fansub - Fansub Source
DL = Download - Downloadable OPs & EDs

Enjoy! Hihi

~ Senseito & Azumi
sounds like a plan to me...  ive ripped about 6 more but havent upped them yet.. will do that really soon
Azumi Wrote:sounds like a plan to me...  ive ripped about 6 more but havent upped them yet.. will do that really soon

Wicked! I'll be posting the True Tears OP & ED [YT/K] laters
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