Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Need some advice on horrible download speeds
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Im using my own megaupload account, but im stuck at 50KB/s
About 20 minutes ago, on a different file i was getting 250KB/s (about average) but for this file i can't seem to go about 50. Im using flashget, but downlaod mangers are supported on premium accounts, and the old file was fine. At first, i thought it just wasn't connecting to the premium properly, but i paused it, selected log in to server and put in my log in info, however it still going like spoon

any advice
huh, could be a number of things out of your control? i would wait a day and see if it's still being a bitch...
i have had this problem before

sometimes that's the best your going to get

you might try and restarting the download
see...if i use a link generator i get a normal speed, but ive had a history of corruption where i use link gens so i tend to avoid them where possible, especially with larger files such as the ones im getting now
Yeah, I ALWAYS get horrible download speeds.

My internet is damn slow.
Me Too Wee Have Like 15 Thigs Hooked Up To My Router And Wirless :P
I would say give it a couple of hours (or a day) and restart your router manually
make sure no one else is using the internet in any way. Even if they aren't actively using their computer, they may have left a messenger or browser running. Aslo, halo 3 creates lots of lag on my network.
I restart my router manually about 3 times a day.
Megaupload has a number of servers, so if one server is bogged down, it may be slower than other servers.
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