Endless Paradigm

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theres this series that my friend told me about, that consist of some sort of a web page in which you enter at midnight and you ask for someone to be killed (ala deathnote)

but my friend don't know how is it called, so if anyone could show me the way, i would be soo happy

thanks in advance
someone Wrote:>>Jigoku Shoujo: Girl From Hell [Hell Girl]<<
A website known as Jigoku Tsūshin (Hell Correspondence) may only be accessed at midnight by one who harbors a desire for revenge against their tormentor. Should someone submit the name of one they hate, the Jigoku Shōjo (Hell Girl) will offer them a straw doll with a red string wound about its neck. If the string is pulled, she will ferry the recipient of the revenge straightaway to Hell, but on the condition that those who request her intervention will also be sent to hell at the end of their natural lives.

Is that it??
lol look in my anime op and ed thread... its called jigoku shoujo and season 2 is called jigoku shoujo futakomori....  its a differnet kind of anime with a very loose story line.... you don't have to watch it in order untill you get to the end...  i recommend it as i love the show!!!
jigoku shoujo = hell girl.... and like i said you can get both opening in the op and ed thread that i will be adding more to by the way

^^damn beat me my while i was typing all that lol
another note.. the anime has alot of twists... things you won't see coming and alot of it will leave you saying 'that's messed up' and its not really like deathnote at all.. cept for the death part but hell girl can refuse to kill
i just copied and pasted from Yahoo answers :P
^^ yeah im famous for long blocks of text that no one reads lol
heres one of the best replicas of the site in the anime i can find if ya want to try to send someone hell lol.... not that i believe in it

@roberth IAM the google for anime... all anime related topic that's searched for on google is directed straight to me and i know all lol.......                      not really lol
if only...i would happily go to hell (not that i believe in it, but, if i did) to see some people dead
Azumi Wrote:^^ yeah im famous for long blocks of text that no one reads lol
heres one of the best replicas of the site in the anime i can find if ya want to try to send someone hell lol.... not that i believe in it

@roberth IAM the google for anime... all anime related topic that's searched for on google is directed straight to me and i know all lol.......                      not really lol

i always read your long blocks of writing bboy sonic has some long ones too
yeah, that was it

thanks everyone
sweet sounds cool IMO

im gonna go watch this XD
I love girl from hell. I watched season 1 and 2.
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