Endless Paradigm

Full Version: 3.90 M33 and 1.50 Add-on Released
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Spoiler for README:
3.90 M33


- Installation requires a PSP with 3.52 M33-3 or higher.


- Copy the UPDATE folder into /PSP/GAME/
- Get the 3.90 sony update from somewhere, and put it in same folder, with name "390.PBP".
  Alternatively, you can let the installer to download for you via wifi.
- Run it, the update will be done by Sony updater. At the end when you are asked to reboot the
PSP pressing X or O, do it.


- 3.80 » 3.90
- March33 NO UMD: fixed (yet another) bug related with exiting with home. (infinite semaphore wait)

Changes in updater:

- The degeneration check and correction of IDS keys happens too in 3.71 now.
- Added code to download 3.90 PBP from net via wifi.
  Note that his code is not yet 100% stable, it may crash when selecting AP. In that case,
  reinit the installer.
- L+triangle has been restored as method to bypass battery.
  If you already have 390.PBP keep those buttons pressed until you see "Veryfing 390.PBP".
  If the 390.PBP is being downloaded bia wifi, press those buttons at the end of download until
  you see the previous sentence.
Looks like the installer will automatically download the 3.90 eboot for you

All you have to do is worry about the 1.50 eboot.

Download from http://www.dark-alex.org/

Or the attachment on the bottom.

UPDATE: 1.50 Add-on released. Download from attachment or http://www.dark-alex.org/
Sweet, I was about to post this but you beat me to it :)
That Must Be Like A Record Or Something of Custom Firmware Already Out :D Thanks :D
No word on the 1.50 subset installer though
DON Wrote:1.50 subset info here

Thanks for the heads up Itchingsmile
Woot, this ofw downloader thing is awesome! Im doing it right now
1.50 subset released now ;)

150 kernel addon for 3.90 M33 (psp phat only)

- Copy 150k_addon to /PSP/GAME
- Get sony 1.50 update and copy it to the root with name “150.PBP”
- Run the program and done.

First post updated.
kyu~ no skype hax >_<
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