Endless Paradigm

Full Version: This is pissing me off.. Slim Help Needed.
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Alright. I do this stuff for people. I mod PSP and stuff.
So I got my hands on a 3.80 OFW PSP Slim.
I went and did the same thing I did with the previous slim I modded, and that was use Pandora's GUI 1.5, and just turn it into a pandora's battery slim ext.
Tried to install M33 firmware but it didn't work.
Any help?
It's a 3.80 OFW slim.
and it won't downgrade to 3.60 m33 CFW.
Which is really odd. But then again, the slim I modded before was 3.60 OFW.
I dunno.
I suggest you install despertar cementerio v4 on the mem stick, and try using that
Don't I loose my phat battery and it permenatly like.. makes it pandora? and is there a ultra good guide for DCV4?
I think you can always make your battery back to normal by restoring the eprom.

Anyways here is a guide to pandora, I think its the same steps as v4 as it is for v3.


another one?
Another friend helped me out. It was easy and you have your facts straight.
I just got to say. It really made me nervous using that homebrew. Not to mention that it carried everything but my mac address over to the slim. O_o;;

Well yeah.
Problem solved.
Case/Thread closed?
Ok so you used my help? don't thank me, I didnt make the tut.

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