As some of you may have known, I had a bit of an....episode on Friday last week. This event left me with a bit of a cut. Now, this cut is starting to bug me. Anyone know anything that will make it heal faster? (ointments, etc)
Cutting in not the answer, try a new hobby of ether drinking or smoking weed
Both are better for yourself then cutting, but any who...... keep the cut clean and use lots of antibiotic cream
Get well soon
take a picture?
edit: this won't make it heal faster
YoYoBallz Wrote:Cutting in not the answer, try a new hobby of ether drinking or smoking weed
Both are better for yourself then cutting, but any who...... keep the cut clean and use lots of antibiotic cream
Get well soon
I know, it was really stupid, and I regret it very much. But now I have a cut that's itching me very bad. It is the suck.
Alcohol stops things itching, it also makes you care less about not having a door. :P
UncertainGod Wrote:Alcohol stops things itching, it also makes you care less about not having a door. :P
lol good point