Endless Paradigm

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Radiohead ~ Exit Music (For a Film)
Mudvayne - -1

(L.D. 50, after so many years, still kicks every other album they've done out of the water ~_~)
Never Say Never - Justin Bieber
Deadmau5 - Arguru
pspx256 Wrote: [ -> ]Never Say Never - Justin Bieber

ProperBritish Wrote: [ -> ]
pspx256 Wrote: [ -> ]Never Say Never - Justin Bieber

Lmao. Are You C-Re-Us?¿

Drinkin' Beer and Wastin' Bullets- Luke Bryan
pspx256 Wrote: [ -> ]Never Say Never - Justin Bieber

The majority of Justin Beaver fans are girls.

So for you to say that.

You must be a girl.

Don't know many guys who would use Itsuki Koizumi as their avatar.

Intriguing.  Intriguing, indeed.
PSPkiller Wrote: [ -> ]Deadmau5 - Arguru

nurehtix Wrote: [ -> ]
PSPkiller Wrote: [ -> ]Deadmau5 - Arguru


i saw him in concert

also: Source: YouTube

would be what im listening to.
NIN - The Wretched

trademark91 Wrote: [ -> ]
nurehtix Wrote: [ -> ]
PSPkiller Wrote: [ -> ]Deadmau5 - Arguru


i saw him in concert

also: Source: YouTube

would be what im listening to.

I like. Deadmau5 is a strange one for me. Weirdly it's my my 48 year old dad who got me into it. He has a bizzare way of choosing CD's to put into the autochanger in his car. I can't remember the exact process but it ended up in there. I loved it.
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