Endless Paradigm

Full Version: SOTW#22 -- HALO
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Ok Congratulations to Wolf for winning with 15 votes.

Thank you to all who participated.

This weeks theme is 'HALO', your sig must have something to do with HALO, may it be a vehicle, a character, ANYTHING, even a MAP!

Good Luck to all who enter.

EDIT:and I hope there are going to be some entries this week.
Oh no halo I hear you say,

Well the theme is just a starting point.
[Image: halo.png]


Can i post one i made a couple weeks back that hasn't been posted on this site, (or hacks) cause i really like it?
It has to be new. Sorry man, it's the rules.
Bummer. that's ok, I'll make it tomorrow.
i prolly won't enter this week
[Image: f_Halosigm_01c7117.png]

All done with the one image in the middle :D


OMFG the whored Halo guy...I'll put in my entry later this week
I know its unusual, but I r entering this one ^^

[Image: f_SIGhaloLtypm_b77d902.png]


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