Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Emotional?
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diego Wrote:Akide's sig is Erotic.

my sig is not erotic.:o
look at ZingaBurga avatar :) [Image: avatar_1_479dc736.gif]it is very erotic +18 BathingFlatterd
erotic paradise
euphoric paradise
electronic pooper
now extravagant padestrian ...

* boogschd won't make the erotic banner no more ..

sorry sparker
that's okay boogschd

Elaborate Pixie
Exhaulted Pimple
Exhaulted Pimple

its on gods donkey now...
boogschd Wrote:erotic paradise
euphoric paradise
electronic pooper
now extravagant padestrian ...

* boogschd won't make the erotic banner no more ..

sorry sparker


Why does it say diego on your post instead of boogschd?
Enlightened parakeet =^o^=
Sparker Wrote:Exhaulted Pimple

must you post at the exact same time as me with the same comment?

and as you can see neither of us has "hacked" our post

Evil Piano
[Image: spaceball.gif]
lol i searched for evil piano and got this
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