Endless Paradigm

Full Version: [RELEASE] - D e v i s e - [ R e ] V i v E, 3.71.
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...and now the moment you've all been waiting for! -Devise- is finally released! Check it out!

[Image: screenshot012qf8.png] [Image: snap007aa2.png]

[Image: snap009ob6.png] [Image: snap012qj3.png]

[Image: snap018dm9.png] [Image: snap004pu4.png]

Props to: dHAPPY and Follower for beta testing and for their valuable input, and thanks to all of you for your support during development! :p

Exxxtra thanks to:
-lilfibz-: Simply put, this theme wouldn't have been possible without him. He made the original Main icons.

Kiwi3000: He did all the subicons and sat thru many sessions trying to get the subicons right. Wee both got way stressed/pissed, but it was worth it! The theme wouldn't have been possible without this guy, either.

Please take the time to read the OMFG! (ReadMe) in the pack! There are a lot of special folks I want to get credit for some of the elements used in this theme!

Get -Devise- here:




DIRECT link to RS: (free user does not apply; this link is DIRECT to the download)


Hope you guys enjoy! :)

-ibawanzingee (a.k.a., sn00chi3)
Looks great
i like the black/orange b/g ;)
Awesome! You absolutely must make this for 3.80. You must! :D
Hawt man
* usif checks it out
dammit, i can't see the screenies, my college blocks image hosting sites :(
real nice!

I wish someone updates this to 380 soon.
I r in despair once again

such great work..... sayonara Inacor MCE
whoa :D ... good thing i havent updated yet
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