Endless Paradigm

Full Version: disabling/changing PSP loading animation?
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Hello. I own a psp slim 3.71 m33-4.

I just installed a custom XMB on flash0 and everything is working fine.

however, now whenever I launch a homebrew or a game, the loading animation is just white.

sound is fine, but the screen goes white, then fades off after about 3 seconds.

Is it possible to disable or change this loading animation?

If I launch it on IR shell, it launches without this loading animation...

thanks in advance :D
all that is is your gameboot has been dummied,debanded

Does it look the same as the original, but without the PSP logo??Or is is actually just white. no sound or anything??
it's same as the original, same sound and the wiping animation just without psp logo.

Can I disable/ change it?

thank you for replying :D
try to use original opening_plug.prx, not modded.
you can search for gameboot and replace the one that you have on your psp
its just opening_plugin.rco, assuming you have a flash0 backup, just copy and paste it into your flash
I'll try that... but is there anyway to disable it? thanks.


I know that the opening logo when starting the psp console can be disabled through the recovery mode...

but what about the opening logo when running games?
not unless theres an offset in the PRX'es to change gameboot length, which i so far hasn't been discovered if it exists (would be cool if there was though)
you can't disable it! it's either you change the logo or delete the logo but still it will work whatever design you put on it!
how come it does that on IR shell?

Thanks everyone
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