Endless Paradigm

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Sign me up, lemme just get my sig.
woot! woot! i still have the most watched lol which = no life lol hahahaha.. i still have more that i forgot about its prolly more around 120 watched complete
[Image: Chaoticgamer.jpg]

Too lazy to update. :p
[Image: Wolf316.jpg]
non clickable links they are.
Fixed mine. XD
Damn peer pressure....

[Image: metalgear08.jpg]

You know, now that I look at it, I really ave spent a long time watching anime. I guess all that anime watched during my weaboo years really added up, eh?
I just made my account today so it's kinda incomplete.
[Image: Sparker.jpg]
metalgear08 Wrote:Damn peer pressure....

Your next objective is to get Zinga to yield.
Assassinator Wrote:
metalgear08 Wrote:Damn peer pressure....

Your next objective is to get Zinga to yield.

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