Endless Paradigm

Full Version: PS3 getting hacked soon?
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I've seen that megabox thing before too...
That mega box thingy is a app. that you run off of linux that is installed onto your ps3

Neat app. though
good news, if it all goes underway then i am definately going to purchase a ps3!!
double you tee eff is wrong with PS3 news Burning .... And good luck to Ice Team
wow, this looks cool!
so if this is true, once its released a homebrew developer just has to code an iso loader (sounds like a big job) and then the ps3 woukd be able to play backups of the hard drive?
good luck to team ice..
Though it may seam that the PS3 is clause to being hacked, it is far from it

Things wee will need to see Before ps3 is HACKED

#1 a dump of a ps3 update & here is a PS3 update -» http://dus01.ps3.update.playstation.net/...3UPDAT.PUP

#2 a decryption of the ps3's FW files

#3 a reversal of the files & a re-build of the Update its seff

#4 custom drivers added & running on the system

At best wee can hope to trick the system to run content, like backed up soft where :P

I hope to see this happen Before i die lol

Now i have tryed some dumb stuff to see if i can get a dump with no luck
[Image: snap008hjy0.bmp]
nice try organ.  :P  

it's been a while since the ps3 came out.  it's time for it to get owned by hackers.
haha its real, ive been posting in those forums for awhile.

also ps3news got hacked by Pirate [a ps3hax mod] by a ddos attack. meh they deserved it anyways
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