Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Photoshop Golf
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Spoiler for hit back:
[Image: 2148761413shoppedcopycopp72.png]
Spoiler for hit back:
[Image: 2148761413shoppedcopycopp72copy.png]
Spoiler for hit back:
[Image: 2148761413shoppedcopycopp72copycopy.png]
ok i hit this back bit can't for a few hours

hope nobody post one til i do :he:
Spoiler for hit back:
[Image: 2148761413shoppedcopycopp72copycopy.png]
note:i used the last image not any others
so nobody gonna hit this back?
i will, is that ive been busy.... working on it now...<_<
[Image: 2148761413shoppedcopycopp72copycopy.png]
^when you see it, you'll shit bricks
any1 hitting back???

<< UBER SWEET, my 666th post Hahaha
Spoiler for hitback:
[Image: 2148761413shoppedcopycopp72copyc-1.png]

by the way kai you sent 666 wisdom :yipi:
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