Endless Paradigm

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Pages: 1 2 3
incadude Wrote:I think someone didn't take their medication today...

a person called rock accidently almost killed you because of yourself being clumsy..?
gsmoke Wrote:Anybody understand something here ?

this rock person is clearly a serial killer and a skater
he kills with his style and he doesn't speak either
How can you guys not understand this thread?  lol
Yay me get out of here ,cause i start feeling in danger.........
no no no, the rock must be the cause of putting his life at stake, a person just called him clumsy
woot!!! he's not a skater???
nop, just clumsy
* boogschd wonders if rockhead knows the 'rock'
Oh poo poo !! Are you okay ??

Wee should sue that motherfucking rock!
gsmoke Wrote:Yay me get out of here ,cause i start feeling in danger.........


Quote:Wee should sue that motherfudgeing rock!

The rock is currently at the detention center down on Imaginaria.
Pages: 1 2 3
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