Endless Paradigm

Full Version: YU-GI-OH!!!!!!!!
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Pages: 1 2
Well, as soon as my idiot brother gets the remainder of our Yu-Gi-Oh cards back from hid friend's house, I can set my plan in motion.

You see, back in the day, wee used to be HUGE Yu-Gi-Oh fan cards, collecting booster pack sets as soon as they came out, being really freaky about keeping the cards in good condition, etc. What this means is that now Wee have a massive collection of first-edition, out-of-print cards that are all in mint condition. Can you imagine the kind of mass nerd-collecter orgasm that will happen when wee put up the entire set on eBay? :D I love money.
I don't like money, if you have money it means you haven't been spending enough on shiny things, drugs & whores.
Holy spoon, man.

1. Pack everything.
2. Put up on ebay
3. ????
4. profit!
good luck.
you know what u should do

rockhead Wrote:you know what u should do


I will beat anyone with my Slipher the sky Dingy! An obleski the whorementer! Not to mention Ex---ooohdia the , errr, forbidden one! and all the other chocolates that exist in UGIOH!
somehow there isn't anybody near me...
Nagaremono Wrote:
rockhead Wrote:you know what u should do


I will beat anyone with my Slipher the sky Dingy! An obleski the whorementer! Not to mention Ex---ooohdia the , errr, forbidden one! and all the other chocolates that exist in UGIOH!

Actually, I'm prepared for the insane nerdgasm, because i have an original Slifer(sp?) the Sky...thing card in Japanese.
i member those days, i lost most of my best cards to a friend, it was his birthday and i gave him the cards he always wanted to look at, he died last week on the 9th, RIP PFC Ivan Merlo
Oh man, I'm really sorry :( What happened?
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