Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Dream Arts prepare for battle!!
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ok P.O.D. is proposing a battle

it will be like graphics tennis
wee will supply a stock then D.A. works there magic on it, then shoot it back to team POD, then wee work our magic..etc etc
a select part of the stock must stay in the image at all times.(pre-determined)

twe serve the pic -- round 1 starts
they throw back -- ends round 1
wee throw -- round 2 starts
must use the teams result

this will be 10 rounds long   (1st time next battles might be shorter or longer)
and wee will use the same stock the whole battle

and then wee get someone to do the voting thread... someone not in one of the graphics teams
each of the team's responses goes in a separate spoiler on the voting thread, and the ppl vote for the one who did a overall best...

you will be judged on all entries, not just the last one.

no team members will be allowed to vote, that'll result on a DQ, the voters will be most likely the admins, and remaining forum members

wee have the stock ready and will post it when you guys accept the battle.

So Dream Arts do you accept the challenge?

Spoiler for example:
Round 1
[Image: 2151608971_1805ff5619.jpg]1st team
[Image: 2153630090_08f54cf79c.jpg]2nd team
round 2
[Image: 2152958219_4366e9c76d.jpg]1st team
[Image: 2153895436_38ded397e4.jpg]2nd team

any questions
Let me contact Sensei...
Meh I think he went to sleep or something :D
im excited. Hope Sensei accepts. ;)
Chaoticgamer Wrote:im excited. Hope Sensei accepts. ;)

I think he went to bed :D
hmm i wouldnt mind doing it, just that ten rounds might be too long, and i don't think i have the time for ten rounds...

can someone explain to me how this is going to work, i read shady's post but didnt quite understand :(
This will be interesting too.
ok wee supply the stock and say what part of the stock must stay in the image

you guys do something to it (this will be your entry)
and post the picture -- round 1 now begins
wee alter the picture and post it round 1 ends

you guys now alter it again and post it --round 2 begins
wee mess with it and post it round 2 ends

this game could last days or hours
it depends on how fast you edit it

but remember they look at each entry when voting
if wee are using the same stock and every entry counts then there would be disadvantages on each teams part per every other round.. it wouldn't work :/
^^ how do you figure?

every entry will be looked at during the voting process

but they will only make one vote

they will be able to see who's entry's were more spectacular

i don't understand what you mean
i don't understand you either sorry V_<
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