Endless Paradigm

Full Version: My Own Blogskiis Yay!
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ok so i axed zinga if i can have a blog and he came through, awesomeness, i will soon be ranting and raving about my everyday life & randomness that comes through my mind for now just look at this video
Source: YouTube

its been viewed like 8 million times my opinion is that you have to be a pretty dedicated mofo to have the patience to take a picture everyday of your life for six years (and counting, its still a work in progress, if you go to his official website he has all his pics there 'till this day Noah's Page
and on that note who's seen the one the simpsons did?
Source: YouTube

pretty funny anyways idk what else to post... last night i found the calender i uploaded to the sos brigade, they're pretty hi-res jpgs so at work i printed them and cut them down to the right size, they're like 11.125X15 :P heres a pic, they look way nicer in person, at night my razr camera light settings always spaz out  here's a pic of my room when i got here to admire my accomplishment
[Image: calenderzr9.th.jpg] anyways more randomness on the way later :)
How many blogs do wee need? lol. :P
Wolf Wrote:How many blogs do wee need? lol. :P
only god knows
UncertainGod Wrote:42!

Yay! :yipi:
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