26/03/2007, 06:45 PM
LoL i posted this at psp-hacks along time ago and just todat someone bumped it sooo....
Now that the new 3.03 Downgrader has came out many people have been crying about how they can't
find a unpatched GTA:LCS.. Yes, its going to be hard to find but AS OF RIGHT NOW THE ONLY WAY TO DOWNGRADE FROM 3.03 IS WITH AN UNPATCHED GTA:LCS!!! end of story
Ok ,Now if you click on the picture i posted it show that the unpatched GTA has the pic of him holding a AK 47, him standing next to a speed boat, two cops standing next to there cop car, and him on a bike with a airplane in the background.
This mean your GTA is unpatched and you can downgrade.
![[Image: fhhjcr9.th.jpg]](http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/2437/fhhjcr9.th.jpg)
also another way people say you can tell is on the side of your UMD case at the very bottom above were it say "UMD" you will two lines there
if it is unpatched it will say: ULUS <<<Right like that<<<<
Two more ways is to see what firmware update the UMD comes with, if it comes with the 2.00 firmware update then it maybe unpatched
And if the copyright is 2005, if it is made past 2005, then its not going to work!!!!!
![[Image: cimg0064akf5.th.jpg]](http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/9682/cimg0064akf5.th.jpg)
This pic show were to locate the
1. Copyright (2005 )
2. The ULUS that's is loctaed on the side of the case..
One of the best ways to find one is to try to buy it used or rent one, your are not going to find a new unpatched GTA!
Here and this link from blackninja may help also- - http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=123
Hope this helped someone
Now that the new 3.03 Downgrader has came out many people have been crying about how they can't
find a unpatched GTA:LCS.. Yes, its going to be hard to find but AS OF RIGHT NOW THE ONLY WAY TO DOWNGRADE FROM 3.03 IS WITH AN UNPATCHED GTA:LCS!!! end of story
Ok ,Now if you click on the picture i posted it show that the unpatched GTA has the pic of him holding a AK 47, him standing next to a speed boat, two cops standing next to there cop car, and him on a bike with a airplane in the background.
This mean your GTA is unpatched and you can downgrade.
![[Image: fhhjcr9.th.jpg]](http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/2437/fhhjcr9.th.jpg)
also another way people say you can tell is on the side of your UMD case at the very bottom above were it say "UMD" you will two lines there
if it is unpatched it will say: ULUS <<<Right like that<<<<
Two more ways is to see what firmware update the UMD comes with, if it comes with the 2.00 firmware update then it maybe unpatched
And if the copyright is 2005, if it is made past 2005, then its not going to work!!!!!
![[Image: cimg0064akf5.th.jpg]](http://img443.imageshack.us/img443/9682/cimg0064akf5.th.jpg)
This pic show were to locate the
1. Copyright (2005 )
2. The ULUS that's is loctaed on the side of the case..
One of the best ways to find one is to try to buy it used or rent one, your are not going to find a new unpatched GTA!
Here and this link from blackninja may help also- - http://endlessparadigm.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=123
Hope this helped someone