15/01/2008, 10:32 AM
OK this is just how i see it & i don't mean it this in a rude way
I see it as like a school
PSP pre-school: learning how to use your CFW
PSP grade school: learning how to flash theme's & using some apps
PSP junior high: learning how to mod rco's & learning some prx mods
PSP high school: mastering how to mod all rco's & have a good understanding of PRX's & can use almost any app
PSP college: making your own prx's & homebrew apps
Then there is after PSP college: working on your own CFW's & knows all must every thing there is about the system..
Now with that said where are you
Me I would put me in the special ED classes of PSP high school lol
so where are you
I see it as like a school
PSP pre-school: learning how to use your CFW
PSP grade school: learning how to flash theme's & using some apps
PSP junior high: learning how to mod rco's & learning some prx mods
PSP high school: mastering how to mod all rco's & have a good understanding of PRX's & can use almost any app
PSP college: making your own prx's & homebrew apps
Then there is after PSP college: working on your own CFW's & knows all must every thing there is about the system..
Now with that said where are you
Me I would put me in the special ED classes of PSP high school lol
so where are you