Endless Paradigm

Full Version: how i see the PSP modding scene
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OK this is just how i see it & i don't mean it this in a rude way

I see it as like a school

PSP pre-school: learning how to use your CFW

PSP grade school: learning how to flash theme's & using some apps

PSP junior high: learning how to mod rco's & learning some prx mods

PSP high school: mastering how to mod all rco's & have a good understanding of PRX's & can use almost any app

PSP college: making your own prx's & homebrew apps

Then there is after PSP college: working on your own CFW's & knows all must every thing there is about the system..

Now with that said where are you

Me I would put me in the special ED classes of PSP high school lol

so where are you
I float somewhere between Jr High and high school, I guess.  I understand the basics of rco modding, but not really the prx side.
Well I must of missed junior high and high school,

I had a fake ID and went straight to college,
im in Junior High..jus kinda ettin to understand all the prx thingy's..
in between gradeschool and junior heh
hibbyware Wrote:Well I must of missed junior high and high school,

I had a fake ID and went straight to college,

LOL what are out going to do win your out of PSP college.? hummm
I got stuck in grade school :yipi:
Quote:Now with that said where are you

Me I would put me in the special ED classes of PSP high school lol

so where are you

Kicked out of high school for stealing other ppls homework ;)
I think I'm in High School......

except it would take ages to be a master
im in jnr high i guess, although i understand prxx modding...its just i don't have the graphical ability to take RCO modding up...
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