Endless Paradigm

Full Version: how i see the PSP modding scene
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i say around gradeschool-highschool :he:

hibbyware Wrote:Well I must of missed junior high and high school,

I had a fake ID and went straight to college,

Hahaha hibby
yeh just starting psp college :) nice building it is too :P
close to high school
I bricked my PSP Pre-school - 100 bricks through the window.

Now I'm in PSP jail.
High school. I know how to mod RCO's and such, I'm just too lazy to actually do it :D
haven't been enrolled yet, still using Sony's official firmware.
Sparker Wrote:haven't been enrolled yet, still using Sony's official firmware.

Well that's better then being in special ED classes of PSP high school lol
I'm in grade school. XD
i retired before i had a good understanding or prx's here:
PSP high school: mastering how to mod all rco's & have a good understanding of PRX's & can use almost any app
i feel bad cause sometimes i still questions that i can't even answer anymore
I'm such a sorry-donkey dropout Sadist
Games like a Grrl Wrote:I float somewhere between Jr High and high school, I guess.  I understand the basics of rco modding, but not really the prx side.

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