Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Reboot from LFTV (380m33)
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this is for those of u who want to keep the new CFW network update feature and still be able to reboot/Power off from the XMB..

just replace the lftv_plugin.prx in the module folder with this one. I've also included a topmenu_plugin.rco with the text changed..

all credit goes to Coolj, the original author of the reboot PRX

[Image: screenshotwo7.png]

[Image: screenshot1ka4.png]

great idea, thanks for posting
Good stuff I like it
u can get the PTF theme here

about the Hud plugin..it works...kinda  the battery doesn't show:(  all other info such as cpu speed/usage, clock and bus etc work it's only the battery that doesn't show..
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