Endless Paradigm

Full Version: (3.80) network update or reboot/off '
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seems that wee do not go to have reboot/off in the place of network update
since this goes to serve to make updates of dax
then will be that (reboot/off ) go to be able to use in Location Free Player or Online Instruction Manuals and to change them of position
or some suggestion
I used the 3.71m33 reboot prx works great for 3.80m33!!

[Image: f_screenshot0m_ba67733.png]
ok but now you not make the updades for reboot
there is not better put the reboot in the Location Free Player or Online Instruction Manuals since this wee do not use
I ask will be possivel to make reboot in Location Free Player or Online Instruction Manuals
I made update 2 for network update and work well
I do not want to lose this
i just rnamed my old rebooting network_update.plugin to camera_plugin.rpx to test and it worked fine.
and...I want to put here 1 icon dedicated to dark alex lol:yipi:
replace game manual since location free player i in use
SchmilK Wrote:i just rnamed my old rebooting network_update.plugin to camera_plugin.rpx to test and it worked fine.

when i have a chance im going to move the Online instruction manual to the top of settings as my reboot since that's where im used to going ;)

want put 1 icon dedicated to dark alex ok SchmilK
Don't use wifi.// and i don't think online update is that importend since you can always update manualy,. and you only update when an update comes out,..
Vegetano1 which plugin you use to take photos
AMRicardo.pt Wrote:Vegetano1 which plugin you use to take photos


Here you go.// use Left trigger and "note" key to take screenshot,..
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