Endless Paradigm

Full Version: Anime PSP Backgrounds
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I posted this thread in PSP-Hacks but I thought I may aswell post it here aswell :yes:
Lots of them are just requests:

Evangelion, Evas:
[Image: Evangelionpsp.jpg]

Evangelion XMB Overlay:
[Image: EvangelionpspXMB.png]

Fullmetal Alchemist, Roy Mustang:
[Image: roymustangpsp.jpg]

Fullmetal Alchemist:
[Image: fma_group.jpg]

Fullmetal Alchemist XMB Overlay:
[Image: roymustangpspXMB.png]

Princess Mononoke:
[Image: mononokepsp.jpg]

Princess Mononoke XMB:
[Image: MonokepspXMB.png]

Naruto (somebody else made this, I just put the xmb overlay on it):
[Image: narutotitle.jpg]

Scryed BG1:
[Image: scryed2.jpg]

Scryed BG2:
[Image: scryed1.jpg]

Naruto Shippuuden Blend:
[Image: narutoshippuuden.jpg]

Naruto Blend:
[Image: naruto1.jpg]

Ichigo Inner Hollow:
[Image: innerhollow1.jpg]

Claymore Mix:
[Image: claymore1.jpg]

Bleach Mix:
[Image: bleach1.jpg]

Devil May Cry Anime:
[Image: Devilmaycry1.jpg]

School Rumble:
[Image: schoolrumble1.jpg]

[Image: monster1.jpg]

GTO, Great Teacher Onizuka:
[Image: gto1.jpg]

Evangelion Title:
[Image: evangelionpsp2.jpg]

Eureka Seven BG1:
[Image: eurekaseven1.jpg]

Eureka Seven BG2:
[Image: eurekaseven2.jpg]

Samurai Champloo:
[Image: Samuraichamploo1.jpg]

Samurai Champloo XMB:
[Image: SamuraichamplooXMB.png]

Death Note 1:
[Image: Deathnote1.jpg]

Death Note 2:
[Image: Deathnote2.jpg]

Death Note 3:
[Image: Deathnote3.jpg]

Deathnote Black XMB:
[Image: Deathnote2XMBBLACK.png]

Deathnote Red XMB:
[Image: Deathnote1XMBRED.png]

Ghost in the Shell Stand Alone Complex:
[Image: GhostintheshellSAC1.jpg]

Chidori Kakashi (with XMB overlay):
[Image: chidori1.jpg]

Chidori Kakashi (without XMB overlay):
[Image: chidori2.jpg]

Chidori XMB Overlay:
[Image: chidori1XMB.png]

Ichigo Half Hollow 1:
[Image: hollowichigo1.jpg]

Ichigo Half Hollow 2:
[Image: hollowichigo2.jpg]

XMB Overlay Half Hollow:
[Image: hollowichigo2XMB.png]

Dragonball Z:
[Image: dragonballz1.jpg]

Naruto Four Tails:
[Image: 4tails.jpg]

Naruto Four Tails XMB:
[Image: 4tailsxmb.jpg]

Uchiha Sasuke Shippuuden:
[Image: sasukeshippuuden.jpg]

Uchiha Sasuke Shippuuden XMB:
[Image: sasukeshippuudenXMB.jpg]

[Image: akirapsp-1.jpg]

Akira XMB:
[Image: akirapspXMB.png]

Hellsing with writing:
[Image: hellsing2480x272.jpg]

Hellsing without writing:
[Image: hellsing1480x272withoutwriting.jpg]

Eyeshield 21
[Image: eyeshield21copy.jpg]

Eyeshield 21 3D XMB:
[Image: eyeshield213dxmb.jpg]

Eyeshield 21 without XMB
[Image: eyeshield21noxmb.jpg]

Bright Eyeshield 21
[Image: brighteyeshield21copy.jpg]

Dark Eyeshield 21
[Image: darkeyeshield21copy.jpg]

Eyeshield 21 XMB Overlay Template (3D):
[Image: eyeshield21xmboverlay.jpg]

Robotech Remastered 1:
[Image: robotechremastered1noxmbcopy.jpg]

Robotech Remastered 1with XMB:
[Image: robotechremastered1xmb.jpg]

Robotech Remastered XMB Template:
[Image: robotechremastered1xmboverlaycopy.jpg]

Robotech Helicopter:
[Image: robotech1helicoptercopy.jpg]

Robotech Helicopter No XMB:
[Image: robotech1helicopternoxmb.jpg]

Robotech No Writing:
[Image: robotech1helicopternowriting.jpg]

Robotech XMB Template:
[Image: robotech1helicopterxmb.jpg]

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Group 1:
[Image: gurrenlaganngroup1copy.jpg]

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Group 2:
[Image: gurrenlaganngroup2copy.jpg]

Ranma Pchan 1:
[Image: ranma2copy.jpg]

Ranma Pchan 2:
[Image: ranma1copy.jpg]

[Image: ranma3copy.jpg]

Darker than Black 1:
[Image: darkerthanblack1copy.jpg]

Darker than Black 2:
[Image: darkerthanblack2copy.jpg]

Darker than Black 3:
[Image: darkerthanblack3copy.jpg]

Himebrain's Pics:
Code Geass - CC1:
[Image: CodeGeass-CC1.jpg]

Gurren Lagann - Simon:
[Image: GurrenLagann-Simon.jpg]

Haruhi and Konata:
[Image: HaruhixKonata.jpg]

Shakuganno Shana:
[Image: ShakugannoShana1.jpg]

Rei Eva:
[Image: Rei1.jpg]

[Image: Tokiko.jpg]

Lucky Star Backgrounds:

Konata and Kagami
[Image: luckystarKagami-Konata.jpg]

Timotei Konata
[Image: timotei.jpg]

Lucky Star Group
[Image: luckystargroup.jpg]

[Image: luckystarkonata.jpg]

Thoughtful Konata
[Image: konatakagami1.jpg]

Chocolate Cone
[Image: konata.jpg]

Crazy Shop Keeper
[Image: crazyshopkeepcopy.jpg]

Swearing Akira
[Image: akira.jpg]

To save as a background, just open up microsoft paint, press SAVE AS and save as 24 bit image

Also I made a Fullmetal Alchemist Coldboot/Startup/Cintro if anyone wants to use it:
Its the first on that I have made. I know it has noting to do with backgrounds but please tell me what you think.

Source: YouTube

Download cintro PMF here

To see the original Lucky Star BG Thread Click Here
These are Awesome.
Thanks man they took ages to make and are the result of many hours on Photoshop..... ;)
liberates evangelion wallpapers
Glad people apreciate them :)
I saw no Haruhi, Cowboy Bebop or DBZ backgrounds, only thing keeping me from declaring this a win thread.
not bad.....
I saw only a good couple... but it's not bad.
Wait, there's a Samurai Champloo wallpaper there?

Ok, I'm gonna call it; this thread is win.  Not having Bebop reduced the chance for win, but anything with Champloo in it gets win status regardless.
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