Endless Paradigm

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^_^ makes me feel sleepy but my hands just won't stop typinggivafkvkeryhgskcjshagfvkjahsv ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh its reaching my brain ki vaskrghbaskjfghb gmdshfvbasmf nbmvn uggggggggggggggg
...........................................................................................................woops my hand slipped dsssssssssssssssssssa
jasdfhvgakjvyhagvkjayfhvgakjvhavgajkfvhagbvjamghgfvjmghaghffivkrghgafivklayerhfgfjkvmhgw hfsvgkjashymgasfvyasdfvghafklg vajshydfvgasdfivukafb c kjhymgbaiskc hawjfag vbaejsk

DesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesu DesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesu
DesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesu DesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesuDesu

poo poo I've been paradigmed desu :out:
lol its so funny.... desu by itself mean absolutly nothing de arimasu.
welcome to EP by the way. home of the lolicon lovers and anime addicts de arimasu.
not even light escapes the void so now your trapped here de arimasu.

(don't mind the japanese at the end.. im acting like someone lol  casue im a bit insane)
desu dosent mean anything said by itself
numa, numa, numa yay
|-Anubis-| Wrote:numa, numa, numa yay desu


[Image: Necropost-kitten.jpg]
oh hai.
What the fudge is wrong with you... can't you let a thread rest in piece.. I mean peace...

Why must you sPa/\/\... WHY?
These were my first posts. I NEEDZ THEM.
And they will remain in the Paradigm and rest in peace
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