Endless Paradigm

Full Version: XMB Editing Help
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I was wondering if any of you would tell me how to remove this line of the xmb I've been trying for a while now but with no luck


by the way that isn't my xmb but i just used it as an example to show you that dam line
damn i forgot how

but stick around (welcome to EP)

one of our customizers will help you as soon as they are on..

just check back later
tex_line.bmp and tex_line_shadow.bmp in system_plugin.rco

[Image: 12543234rw9.jpg]

You can either replace the .bmps with a blank dat or you can just open the bmps in your image editing program and color the .bmps black and then inject the .bmps using RCO Editor.

[Image: 45821028tp5.jpg]
Thanks alot man, i didnt know it was in that rco guess i got to search more next time
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