Endless Paradigm

Full Version: WTF this spoon is getting on my nerves
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ok a while ago

i mentioned this CN icon
well the website was capaignnumbers.com

well when im at home and try to go to endlessparadigm.com
it will say 404 error something simething
not found at

now it does the same 404 error but
at realbasics.com

but the weird thing is that the MUP still works but then it too crashes
it happens to all the computers on my router

why are the sony ninjas trying to keep me from EP?
clean out your hosts file and run hijack this, and paste the log it makes into the hijackthis.de website and it will tell you what is safe to remove.
so that's where i post the hijack logs
i usally post them a tsf.com

I posted my hijackthis log at the spybot forums back when I was getting browser hijacked.  In fact, they were the ones who told me about it and suggested that I go get the log to post there.  That ended up working out for the best for me, but UG knows more than me on such topics, so I'd go his route.  Just thought I'd suggest another route.
hijackthis.de is automated, it's not a forum, you just paste the log into the text box click the button and view the results.

Simple, efficient and you don't have to listen to fucknuts on forums telling you a load of poo poo.
but if it happens to more than 1 computer , what could it be?
Could still be individual hacks, if one machine on a network gets compromised the first thing they do is infect the other machines. It could also in theory be that your router has been tweaked to go to a poisoned DNS server (highly unlikely).
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