Endless Paradigm

Full Version: The Prediction Game!!!
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false...(i can't even spell wee correctly.)

the next poster has seen the flash anim, "Posting and You"
false. i predict that next poster owns gba
false. sold it.
i predict hafiy fancies bludevil..;PJOWKING!!
i predict the next poster owns a psp
true. yup i fancies of bludevil .
haha . owns black psp . just flash it with spdierman 3 themes and look sexy .
i predict that next poster owns 1gig of sandisk
false i own 2 gigs of sony
i predict the next poster is posting from his house
true.i predict the next poster wearing boxer
false..im weraing a thong..JOWK!! true im wearing boxers
i predict the next poster has school/college/work tomorrow..
school just got over
i predict the next poster will give me + rep
i alrdy did

i predict the next poster is tired

My media player by the way is a NHJ MPM-202, its a few years old but still pretty good, annoying things are no playlist though, and only DivX 5.X videos are supported.  I want to get an Archos 504 when I have some money, 160GB, 4.3" widescreen, USB Host, and decent file support, it's pretty damn expensive though.

I predict the next poster has traveled internationally.
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