Endless Paradigm

Full Version: The Prediction Game!!!
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yes true i do like sPa/\/\!
i predict the next poster is't me!
i predict the next poster will be a member of this site
i predict that the next poster using logitech PGP
i predict the next poster would have used atleast one of zinga 's utilities
eg rco editor

i predict the next poster knows how to program

I predict the next poster is slightly homophobic.
Kinda ture gay men are gay. Gay women, now that's ok

I predict the next poster has nothing better to do then post here.
true, cause im in school in a classroom at a laptop charging my psp via usb now :P

i predict the next poster's parents don't agree with him/her staying up at the time of posting :P

I'm at school currently. lol

i predict the next person wasn't the person who mad me a mod.
i predict that the next poster having a girl avatar and a ciggarette on it
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