10/01/2008, 12:10 PM
If you had lice would you?
A:Ask a super model to get rid of them? ( she will get freaked scream and run away)
B:Ask your Mom? ( She will laugh ar you scrubb your head and for the most part get rid of them yoursell all the white telling Aunt Ruth your a slob)
C:Get a monkey (thanks Kaiser) to do it. (basically they would do it for free and eat everything, a win win situation)
A:Ask a super model to get rid of them? ( she will get freaked scream and run away)
B:Ask your Mom? ( She will laugh ar you scrubb your head and for the most part get rid of them yoursell all the white telling Aunt Ruth your a slob)
C:Get a monkey (thanks Kaiser) to do it. (basically they would do it for free and eat everything, a win win situation)