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Full Version: Basket Catch v0.91
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Quote:Homebrew developer roe-ur-boat (also the developer of nifty app F0 Spacer) has released version 0.91 of the game Basket Catch. This is just the second release, with version 0.7 as the game's initial release. The dev made sure to improve the homebrew game, adding new features, fixing bugs, and making tweaks to the initial release to make sure gamers get a kick out of playing Basket Catch.

In Basket Catch, you just have to make sure you catch the falling eggs and don't let them drop on the ground. You have 10 lives in the game, and every time an egg falls, you lose a life. Sounds simple enough? The game gets harder when your basket carriers can't get to all the eggs falling almost simultaneously.

Here's a complete list of changes applied to Basket Catch from version 0.7 to the current version, v0.91:

    * 0.91
          o Small bug that didn't reset the score after a game over
    * 0.9
          o Made some minor tweaks to the speed of movement
          o Fixed the bug that caused the game to crash if there was no previous highscore saved
          o Removed options menu(there was no need for it)
          o Added Credits
    * 0.8
          o Fixed a bug where eggs disappeared on the screen then spawned randomly somewhere else
          o Added a highscores page
          o (Didn't release)

The game is easy to install. Just make sure that you place the Basket Catch folder in your PSP's GAME folder. Download the file below, and enjoy roe-ur-boat's homebrew game, Basket Catch version 0.91.

[Image: dl.gif]
Cool !! :D
Good work roe-ur-boat!
nice job roe-your-boat :great:
i never knew you were a homebrew developer.
awww thanks guys :D Who told qj?
cool roe made it to qj
Nice work! Keep it up!
u_c_taker Wrote:cool roe made it to qj
I wouldn't exactly consider it an achievement.

The homebrew is, but being posted on QJ is nothing special.
If you want a QJ post, just Google up a Hello World program for the PSP, compile it, and submit it to QJ, saying your only 9 years old.
cool! nice job!
ZiNgA BuRgA Wrote:
u_c_taker Wrote:cool roe made it to qj
I wouldn't exactly consider it an achievement.

The homebrew is, but being posted on QJ is nothing special.
If you want a QJ post, just Google up a Hello World program for the PSP, compile it, and submit it to QJ, saying your only 9 years old.

lol yeah man that's true, I think it's the fact that the game wasn't handfed to them is the achievement xD
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